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IoP Diversity & Inclusion council aims to independently and proactively advise the IoP leadership about efforts to noticeably enhance diversity and inclusion in the Institute, as well as provide feedback to the Faculty management.

The Council

Currently the Council is concentrating on the following:

  • Analysis PhD/postdoc/staff/visitor diversity at IoP.
  • Organisation of educational events for faculty, staff and students, such as Undergraduate Research (summer internships) and Behind the CV talks.
  • Formulation and implementation of a long-term D&I strategy.
  • Consultation in hiring procedures.
  • Work with directors of educational programs on attraction and retention of a more diverse BSc/MSc student body.
  • Inclusion of diversity in existing and new outreach activities.
  • Coordinate with other relevant bodies, such as WiF, diversity committees in other institutes, the student impact center, and the Faculty Diversity officer.
  • Give feedback on policies and their impact within the University.

Please feel free to contact the Council if you see need for improvement within the UvA, or you feel your community is impacted by events within or outside the University.

If you are searching for direct help within or outside the IoP, please click the Support button in the menu on the left.


Dr. I.G. (Irene) Aguilera Bonet

Staff Member (ITFA)

Dr. S. (Shin'ichiro) Ando

Staff member (ITFA)

Dr. N.J. (Klaasjan) van Druten

Staff Member (WZI)

Dr. B.W. (Ben) Freivogel

Staff member (ITFA)

Prof. dr. M.S. (Mark) Golden

Staff member (WZI)

L. (Ludovica) Guarneri

PhD Candidate (WZI)

A.K. (Abhishek) Gupta MSc

PhD Candidate (WZI)

R. (Rupesh) Mahore MSc

PhD Candidate (WZI)

Dr. A. (Arghavan) Safavi Naini

Staff member (ITFA and QuSoft)

J. (Jirina) Salkova MA

Staff Member (Support Office)

M. (Marija) Tomašević

PostDoc (ITFA)

Dr. J. (Jordy) de Vries

Staff Member (IHEF); Chairperson 2023-2024