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The APAC career day will take place on October 25 at Amsterdam Science Park 904. Room TBA.

Five speakers will bring you a perspective on different careers after your study. What is it really like to work in consultancy? I followed machine learning for physicists; now what? How to get ahead in academia? What are the biggest differences between doing research for a company or for a university?

In addition, we will have a CV workshop where you can discuss your CV with peers and an experienced ‘CV reader’. Get tips and tricks that put your CV on top of the pile.


For whom?

  • MSc Physics and Astronomy students
  • PhD researchers, junior PDs


  • Career orientation (academic and non-academic)
  • CV coaching and workshops

By whom?

  • Amsterdam Physics & Astronomy alumni – working inside and outside of academia
  • Amsterdam Physics and Astronomy staff





10:00 – 10:05

Jasper van Wezel

Welcome and Introduction


10:05 – 11:15


Isabelle van Keulen & Sarah Tummers – Simon Kucher consultancy

Personal perspective –

Pushing your skills to the limit

11:15 – 11:35



11:35 – 12:15

Karel Geraedts – Talpa network

Personal Perspective: putting AI to work

12:15 – 13:00

Lunch Break


13:00 – 14:00

CV Workshop:

13.00 Introduction
13.05 divide in groups


14:00 – 15:00

Laura Dreissen – group leader at VU

Personal perspective: Academic Job Market

15:00 – 15:15



15:15 – 15:45

Paola Gori Giorgi – Microsoft Research AI

Personal perspective – from academia to corporate