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IoP directorate

Prof. dr. E.L.M.P. (Eric) Laenen

Scientific director

Prof. dr. ir. P.J. (Paul) de Jong

Head of IHEF division

Prof. dr. J. (Jan) de Boer

Head of ITFA division

Dr. J. (Joost) van Mameren

Institute Manager

The role of Head of WZI within the directorate is currently vacant.


IoP support office

Dr. J. (Joost) van Mameren

Institute Manager

Drs. A. (Anne-Marieke) Crommentuijn

Coordinator operational management

A.B. (Astrid) Harryson

Secretarial and administrative support

T.P.A. (Rose) Pham

Secretarial and administrative support

J. (Jirina) Salkova MA

Secretarial and administrative support

Postal address

Postbus 94485
1090 GL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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