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Dr. I.G. (Irene) Aguilera Bonet

Faculty of Science

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.263
Postal address
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Research

    To learn about my research, please visit my Group's homepage.

  • Publications


    • Lorenz, J. P., Linnartz, J. F., Kool, A., Van Delft, M. R., Guo, W., Aguilera, I., Singha, R., Schoop, L. M., Hussey, N. E., Wiedmann, S., & De Visser, A. (2024). Uniaxial strain effects on the Fermi surface and quantum mobility of the Dirac nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS. Physical Review B, 109(23), Article 235114.
    • Mohelsky, I., Wyzula, J., Le Mardelé, F., Abadizaman, F., Caha, O., Dubroka, A., Sun, X. D., Cho, C. W., Piot, B. A., Tanzim, M. F., Aguilera, I., Bauer, G., Springholz, G., & Orlita, M. (2024). Electronic band structure of Sb2Te3. Physical Review B, 109(16), Article 165205.


    • Mohelsky, I., Wyzula, J., Le Mardelé, F., Abadizaman, F., Caha, O., Dubroka, A., Sun, X. D., Cho, C. W., Piot, B. A., Tanzim, M. F., Aguilera Bonet, I., Bauer, G., Springholz, G. & Orlita, M. (14-5-2024). Supported data for manuscript "Electronic band structure of Sb2Te3" in PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume 109 (2024), article 165205. Zenodo.
    • Mohelsky, I., Wyzula, J., Le Mardelé, F., Abadizaman, F., Caha, O., Dubroka, A., Sun, X. D., Cho, C. W., Piot, B., Tanzim, M., Aguilera, I., Bauer, G., Springholz, G. & Orlita, M. (2024). Supported data for manuscript "Electronic band structure of Sb2Te3" in PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume 109 (2024), article 165205. Zenodo.
    • Mohelsky, I., Wyzula, J., Le Mardelé, F., Abadizaman, F., Caha, O., Dubroka, A., Sun, X. D., Cho, C. W., Piot, B., Tanzim, M., Aguilera, I., Bauer, G., Springholz, G. & Orlita, M. (2024). Publication and supported data for manuscript "Electronic band structure of Sb2Te3" in PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume 109 (2024), article 165205. Zenodo.
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities