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Prof. dr. C.J.M. (Kareljan) Schoutens

Faculty of Science
Photographer: Jan Willem Steenmeijer

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.268
Postal address
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Curriculum Vitae

    Curriculum Vitae

    Academic positions

    since 1999    Professor of Theoretical Physics, UvA
    2014-2017     Distinguished Research Professor at Faculty of Sience, UvA
    1995-1999     Associate professor, UvA
    1994-1995     Assistant profesor, Princeton University
    1992-1994     Postdoctoral fellow, Princeton University
    1989-1992     Postdoctoral fellow, SUNY at Stony Brook

    Other responsibilities

    2016-2023     Co-director, QuSoft - Research Centre for Quantum Software
    Oct 2012-2014  Dean, Faculty of Science
    2011-2012     Director, Institute of Physics UvA
    2008-2011     Director, Institute for Theoretical Physics UvA
    2006-2008     Chairman board Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics

    1985-1989     PhD Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
    1980-1985     undergraduate studies (Theoretical) Physics, Utrecht University

  • Key publications

    Key publications

    My publications include around 100 papers in Journals and Proceedings, 4 books and around 10 popular publications, some of them in Dutch.

    Selected key publications

    Quantum many-body scars in transverse field Ising ladders and beyond, Phys. Rev B 101 (2020) 220305 (with B. van Voorden and J. Minar)

    Single-step implementation of high-fidelity n-bit Toffoli gate , Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020) 022308 (with S.E. Rasmussen, K. Groenland, R. Gerritsma, N.T. Zinner)

    Strange Metals in One Spatial Dimension , Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 066003 (with R. Gopakumar, A. Hashimoto, I.R. Klebanov, S. Sachdev).

    Particles in non-Abelian gauge potentials: Landau problem and insertion of non-Abelian flux , New. Jour. Phys. 13 (2011) 045012 ( with B. Estienne and S.M. Haaker).

    Topological phases: Wormholes in Quantum Matter , Nature Physics 5, 784 - 785 (2009) .

    Non-Abelian anyons: when Ising meets Fibonacci , Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 076803 (with E. Grosfeld).

    Experimental signatures of non-Abelian statistics in clustered quantum Hall states , Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 245305 (with R. Ilan, E. Grosfeld, A. Stern).

    Entanglement entropy in fermionic Laughlin states , Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 060401 (with M. Haque, O. Zozulya).

    Wavefunctions for topological quantum registers , Ann. Phys. 322 (2007) 201-235 (with E. Ardonne).

    Exact results for strongly-correlated fermions in 2+1 dimensions , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 046403 (with P. Fendley).

    Quantum Hall states and boson triplet condensate for rotating spin-1 bosons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2003) 120401 (with J.W. Reijnders, F.J.M. van Lankvelt and N. Read).

    A New Class of Non-Abelian Spin-Singlet Quantum Hall States , Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 5096-5099 (with E. Ardonne).

    Spinon bases, Yangian symmetry and fermionic representations of Virasoro characters in conformal field theory , Phys. Lett. 338B (1994) 448-456 (with P. Bouwknegt and A.W.W. Ludwig).

    W-Symmetry in conformal field theory , Phys. Rep. 223 (1993) 183-276 (with P. Bouwknegt).

    New exactly solvablemodel for strongly correlated electrons motivated by high-T_c superconductivity , Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 2960-2963 (with F. Essler and V. Korepin).

    Extensions of the Virasoro algebra constructed from Kac-Moody algebras using higher order Casimir invariants , Nucl. Phys. B304 (1988) 348-370 (with F.A. Bais, P. Bouwknegt and M. Surridge).

    O(N)-extended superconformal field theory in superspace , Nucl. Phys. B295 [FS21] (1988) 634-652.

  • Supervision and Grants

    Supervision and grants

    PhD students
    Alberto Zorzato, Dyon van Vreumingen, Bart van Voorden (PhD 2020), Koen Groenland (PhD 2020), Thessa Fokkema (PhD 2016), Shanna Haaker (PhD 2014), Jesper Romers (PhD 2012), Sasha Zozulya (PhD 2011), Liza Huijse (PhD 2010), Jasper Reijnders (PhD 2005), Frank van Lankvelt (PhD 2004), Eddy Ardonne (PhD 2002), Ronald van Elburg (PhD 2000), Marco Moriconi (PhD 1997, Princeton).
    Amira Abbas, Seenivasan Hariharan, Jiri Minar, Giandomenico Palumbo, Ville Lahtinen, Michiel Snoek, Benoit Estienne, Raoul Santachiara, Davide Controzzi, Stephane Peysson,  Sathya Guruswamy.
    Quantum Delta NL (2020-2021), NWO Pionier (2000), UvA Research Priority Area Quantum Matter and Quantum Information (2015), FOM projectruimte (2007, 1998), projects in FOM programs (2011, 2008, 2005, 2000) plus smaller grants with EU, ESF and NATO.

  • Publications


















    • Ardonne, E., & Schoutens, K. (2007). Wavefunctions for topological quantum registers. Annals of Physics, 322, 201-235. [details]
    • Fendley, P., & Schoutens, K. (2007). Cooper pairs and exclusion statistics from coupled free-fermion chains. Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment, 2007(02), [P02017]. [details]
    • Haque, M., Zozulya, O. S., & Schoutens, K. (2007). Entanglement entropy in fermionic Laughlin states. Physical Review Letters, 98, 060401-4 pages. [details]
    • Zozulya, O. S., Haque, M., Schoutens, K., & Rezayi, E. (2007). Bipartite entanglement entropy in fractional quantum Hall states. Physical Review B, 76(12), 125310. [details]


    • Cooper, N. R., van Lankvelt, F. J. M., Reijnders, J. W., & Schoutens, K. (2005). Quantum Hall states of atomic Bose gases: density profiles in single-layer and multi-layer geometries. Physical Review A, 72, 063622. [details]
    • Fendley, P., & Schoutens, K. (2005). Exact results for strongly-correlated fermions in 2+1 dimensions. Physical Review Letters, 95, 046403. [details]
    • Fendley, P., Schoutens, K., & van Eerten, H. J. (2005). Hard squares at negative activity. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 38, 315-322. [details]
    • Santachiara, R., & Schoutens, K. (2005). Supersymmetric model of spin-1/2 fermions on a chain. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 38, 5425-5439. [details]


    • Controzzi, D., & Schoutens, K. (2004). On the quasiparticle description of c=1 CFTs. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 37, 4289. [details]
    • Reijnders, J. W., van Lankvelt, F. J. M., Schoutens, K., & Read, N. (2004). Rotating spin-1 bosons in the lowest Landau level. Physical Review A, 69, 23612-23635. [details]


    • Fendley, P., Nienhuis, B., & Schoutens, K. (2003). Lattice fermion models with supersymmetry. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 36, 12399-12424. [details]
    • Fendley, P., Schoutens, K., & de Boer, J. (2003). Lattice models with N=2 supersymmetry. Physical Review Letters, 90, 120402. [details]


    • Ardonne, E., van Lankvelt, F. J. M., Ludwig, A., & Schoutens, K. (2002). Separation of spin and charge in paired spin-singlet quantum Hall states. Physical Review B, 65, 041305(R). [details]
    • Peysson, S., & Schoutens, K. (2002). A form-factor approach to finite-temperature correlation functions in c=1 CFT. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 35, 6471-6488. [details]
    • Reijnders, J. W., van Lankvelt, F. J. M., Schoutens, K., & Read, N. (2002). Quantum Hall states and boson triplet condensate for rotating spin-1 bosons. Physical Review Letters, 89, 120401-120404. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Ardonne, E., & van Lankvelt, F. J. M. (2002). Paired and clustered quantum Hall states. In A. Cappelli, & G. Mussardo (Eds.), Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Statistical Field Theories" (pp. 305-316). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]



    • Ardonne, E., Bouwknegt, P., Guruswamy, S., & Schoutens, K. (2000). K-matrices for non-abelian quantum Hall states. Physical Review B, 61, 10298-10302. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., & van Elburg, R. A. J. (2000). Quasi-particles for Quantum Hall edges. In C. Glatti, M. Sanquer, & J. Tran Thahn Van (Eds.), Quantum Physics at Mesoscopic Scale (pp. 239-243). EDP Sciences. [details]
    • van Elburg, R. A. J., & Schoutens, K. (2000). Form factors for quasi-particles in $c=1$ conformal field theory. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 33, 7987-8012. [details]




    • Bouwknegt, P., & Schoutens, K. (1997). Spinon Decomposition and Yangian Structure of sl_n Modules. In M. K. Murray, & A. L. Carey (Eds.), Geometric Analysis and Lie Theory in Mathematics and Physics (pp. 105-131). (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series; No. 11). Australian Mathematical Society. [details]
    • Moriconi, M., & Schoutens, K. (1997). Reflection matrices for integrable $N=1$ supersymmetric theories. Nuclear Physics B, 487, 756-778.
    • Moriconi, M., & Schoutens, K. (1997). Reflection matrices for integrable N=1 supersymmetric theories. Nuclear Physics B, 487([FS]), 756-778.
    • Pruisken, A. M. M., & Schoutens, K. (1997). The Quantum Hall Effect: Unified Scaling Theory and Quasi-particles at the Edge. Philosophical Magazine B : Physics of condensed matter. Statistical mechanics, electronic, optical and magnetic properties , 76, 807-814. [details]
    • Schoutens, K. (1997). Exclusion Statistics in Conformal Field Theory Spectra. Physical Review Letters, 79, 2608-2611.





    • Schoutens, K., van Lankvelt, F. J. M., & Reijnders, J. W. (2004). Quantumvloeistoffen voor roterende bosonen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 70: nr.4, 48-51. [details]


    • Schoutens, K., & Ardonne, E. (2001). Non-Abelian statistics in quantum Hall systems. In A. Forkas (Ed.), Mathematical physics 2000 : proceedings of the XIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Imperial College, London 17-22 July 2000 (pp. 191-198) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., & Moriconi, M. (2001). Supersymmetric Factorizable Scattering. In J. Bagger, S. Duplij, & W. Siegel (Eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry (pp. 303-304) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., & van Elburg, R. A. J. (2001). Quasi-particles in conformal field theories for fractional quantum Hall systems. In Integrable quantum field theories and their application : proceedings of the APCTP Winter School : Cheju Island, Korea, 28 February-4 March 2000 (pp. 241-242) [details]


    • Schoutens, K. (1998). Nobelprijs voor het fractionele quantum Halleffect. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 64: nr.11, 283-283. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., & Bouwknegt, P. (1998). Non-abelian electrons: SO(5) superspin regimes for correlated electrons on a two-leg ladder. Physical Review Letters, 82, 2757-2760. [details]



    • Bouwknegt, P., Ludwig, A., & Schoutens, K. (1996). Affine and Yangian Symmetries in SU(2)1 Conformal Field Theory. In E. Gava et al (Ed.), Proc.of the 1994 Summer School in High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (pp. 402-423). World Scientific. [details]
    • Essler, F. H. L., Korepin, V. E., & Schoutens, K. (1996). Essler, Korepin, and Schoutens reply. Physical Review Letters, 76(22), 4290-4290. [details]
    • Moriconi, M., & Schoutens, K. (1996). Supersymmetric scattering in two dimensions. In J. Lemonne et al (Ed.), Proc. of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, July/August 1995 (pp. 101-103). World Scientific.
    • Moriconi, M., & Schoutens, K. (1996). Supersymmetric scattering in two dimensions. In et al, & J. Lemonne (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, July/August 1995 (pp. 101-103). World Scientific.
    • Pruisken, A. M. M., & Schoutens, K. (1996). The Quantum Hall Effect: Unified Scaling Theory and Quasi-particles at the Edge. In Proc. of International Summer School on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary, Sept. 1996 (ITFA-96-54).
    • Schoutens, K., & Moriconi, M. (1996). Supersymmetric scattering in two dimensions. In J. Lemonne (Ed.), Proc. of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, July/August 1995 (pp. 101-103) [details]


    • Bouwknegt, P., & Schoutens, K. (1995). W-symmetry. (Advanced series in mathematical physics; No. 22). Singapore: World Scientific. [details]
    • Bouwknegt, P., & Schoutens, K. (1995). W-symmetry. In Advanced Series of Math. Physics (Math. Physics; No. 22). Singapore: World Scientific Publishers.
    • Schoutens, K., & Bouwknegt, P. (1995). From W_N to Y(sl_N). In Proceedings of the meeting W95 [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Bouwknegt, P., & Ludwig, A. (1995). Spinon basis for (sl_2)_k integrable highest weight modules and new character formulas. In P. Bouwknegt (Ed.), Proceedings Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory (pp. 45-55). World Scientific. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Verlinde, E., & Verlinde, H. (1995). Black hole evaporation and quantum gravity. In M. B. Halpern (Ed.), Proc. of the conference `Strings '93', Berkeley 1993 (pp. 22-52). World Scientific. [details]



    • Schoutens, K., & Bouwknegt, P. (1993). W-Symmetry in conformal field theory. Physics Reports, 223, 183-276. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Delius, G., Grisaru, M. T., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1993). Solvable extensions of two-dimensional gravity. In W. van Leeuwen (Ed.), Journees relativistes : Amsterdam 13-15 May 1992 : proceedings : Classical and quantum gravity spec. issue (pp. 109-115). Bristol: IOP publication. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Essler, F., & Korepin, V. (1993). Electronic model for superconductivity. Physical Review Letters, 70, 73-76. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Verlinde, E., & Verlinde, H. (1993). Quantum black hole evaporation. Physical Review D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 48(6), 2670-2685. [details]


    • Schoutens, K., Ahn, C., Rocek, M., & Sevrin, A. (1992). Superspace WZW models and black holes. In E. Gava (Ed.), 1991 Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology : Trieste, Italy, 17 June-9 August, 1991 (pp. 995-1006) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Berkovits, N., Itoyama, H., Sevrin, A., Siegel, W., van Nieuwenhuizen, P., & Yamron, J. (1992). Strings & symmetries, 1991: proceedings of the conference, Stony Brook, May 20-25, 1991. Singapore: World Scientific. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Essler, F., & Korepin, V. (1992). Fine structure of the Bethe Ansatz for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXX model. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 25, 4115-4126. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Essler, F., & Korepin, V. (1992). New eigenstates of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Nuclear Physics B, B 272, 559-596. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Essler, F., & Korepin, V. (1992). New exactly solvable model for strongly correlated electrons motivated by high-T_c superconductivity. Physical Review Letters, 68, 2960-2963. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Ooguri, H., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1992). The induced action of W_3 gravity. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 145, 515-539. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1992). Example of a quantum field theory based on a non-linear Lie algebra. In R. Akhoury (Ed.), Festschrift on the occasion of M. Veltman 60th birthday [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1992). Induced gauge theories and W-gravity. In N. Berkovits (Ed.), Strings & symmetries, 1991 : proceedings of the conference, Stony Brook, May 20-25, 1991 (pp. 558-590) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1992). On the effective action of chiral W_3 gravity. Nuclear Physics B, B 371, 315-328. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1992). Quantum W_3 gravity. In E. Gava (Ed.), 1991 Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology : Trieste, Italy, 17 June-9 August, 1991 (pp. 903-916) [details]


    • Schoutens, K., & Sevrin, A. (1991). Minimal super W_N algebras in coset conformal field theories. Physics Letters B, 258 B, 134-140. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Ahn, C., & Sevrin, A. (1991). The full structure of the super W_3 algebra. International Journal of Modern Physics A, A 6. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Essler, F., & Korepin, V. (1991). Complete solution of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Physical Review Letters, 67, 3848-3851. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Rocek, M., & Sevrin, A. (1991). Off-shell WZW models in extended superspace. Physics Letters B, 265 B, 303-306. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Covariant formulation of classical W-gravity. Nuclear physics, B 349, 791-814. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Loop calculations in BRST quantized chiral W_3 Gravity. In T. Curtright (Ed.), Proceedings of the Miami workshop on `Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Groups and Topology' (pp. 283-301) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Non-linear Yang-Mills theories. Physics Letters B, 255 B, 549-553. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Progress towards a new gauge theory for W-type algebras. In R. Arnowitt (Ed.), Strings 90 : proceedings of the Superstring Workshop, Texas A&M University, March 12-17, 1990 (pp. 335-346) [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Properties of covariant W-gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics A, A 6, 2891-2912. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Quantum W_3 gravity in the chiral gauge. Nuclear Physics B, B 364, 584-620. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Sevrin, A., & van Nieuwenhuizen, P. (1991). Towards a theory of W_3 gravity. In T. Curtright (Ed.), Quantum groups : Argonne National Laboratory, 16 April - 11 May 1990 : proceedings of the Argonne workshop (pp. 321-334) [details]




    • Schoutens, K. (1988). O(N)-extended superconformal field theory in superspace. Nuclear Physics B, 295, 634-652. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Bais, F. A., Bouwknegt, P., & Surridge, M. (1988). Coset construction for extended Virasoro algebras. Nuclear Physics B, 304, 371-391. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Bais, F. A., Bouwknegt, P., & Surridge, M. (1988). Extended Virasoro algebras. In P. DiVecchia, & J. L. Petersen (Eds.), Perspectives in string theory : proceedings of the Niels Bohr Institute/Nordita meeting, Copenhagen, 12-16 October, 1987 (pp. 23-33). Singapore: World Scientific. [details]
    • Schoutens, K., Bais, F. A., Bouwknegt, P., & Surridge, M. (1988). Extensions of the Virasoro algebra constructed from Kac-Moody algebras using higher order Casimir invariants. Nuclear Physics B, 304, 348-370. [details]




    • Schoutens, K. (2006). Superfrustratie van elektronen in een vaste stof. (Jaarboek; No. 2005). Utrecht: FOM. [details]


    • van Lankvelt, F. J. M., Reijnders, J. W., & Schoutens, K. (2004). Quantumvloeistoffen voor roterende bosonen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 70(4), 48-51.


    • Schoutens, C. J. M. (2001). Over quantumprincipes en toestanden van materie. (Oratiereeks). Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • Ardonne, E., & Schoutens, K. (1998). A new class of non-abelian spin-singlet quantum Hall states. (cond-mat; No. 9811352). Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS).

    Talk / presentation

    • Schoutens, K. (speaker) (28-11-2016). Lectures on Topological Phases of Matter, LACES 2016, Florence.
    • Schoutens, K. (speaker) (5-9-2016). Non-Abelian anyons in 2+1D, New Trends in Low Dimensional Physics: Quantum Integrability and Applications, Beijing.
    • Schoutens, K. (speaker) (26-5-2016). Non-Abelian statistics in 2+1 dimensions, Quantum Foundations IQF2016, Maynooth.
    • Schoutens, K. (speaker) (26-2-2016). Topological Quantum Computation, QuSoft, center for quantum software.
    • Schoutens, K. (speaker) (29-1-2016). Supersymmetry and Integrability, Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium, Cambridge.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Comenius / AOG Contractonderwijs BV
      docent Nationale Comenius Leergang
    • Stichting Quantum Delta NL
      Lid van Raad van Toezicht