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The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics.

Invited speakers:

  • Georg Bruun
  • Michal Tomza
  • Michael Drewsen
  • Olivier Dulieu
  • Jesus Perez Rios
  • Florian Meinert
  • Tobias Schätz
  • Roland Wester
  • Stefan Willitsch
  • Juliet Simonet
  • Rahul Pandey
  • Shinsuke Haze
  • Eric Hudson
  • Carlo Sias
  • Jesper Levinsen
  • Sadiq Rangwala
  • Meirav Pinkas
  • Seth Rittenhouse
  • Johannes Hecker Denschlag
  • Bas van de Meerakker
  • Denise Ahmed-Braun

This list will be updated once we receive more confirmations.



For regular participants the conference fee is 185 EUR*, which covers the costs at the conference. Deadline for registration is 1 May 2024.

  • Scientific sessions
  • Exhibition and poster viewing
  • All-Conference materials
  • Tea/coffee and lunch
  • Conference dinner

* Conference registration fee does not include accommodation and airport transfer. Please be sure to book accommodation yourself. Information on hotels close to Amsterdam Science Park is provided in the section Accommodation



In case of any cancellation or non-attendance, unfortunately, the registration fees are not refundable.


Abstract submission

We invite participants to submit an abstract for a poster presentation. Abstracts can be submitted in text (less than one page, no pictures) to We will select a number of abstracts for short talks as well.

Important: The deadline for abstract submission is April1st 2024 and you will be notified shortly after that date.


For any conference-related questions, you can email us at


Local Organising Committee

René Gerritsma
Arghavan Safavi
Jiřina Šálková
Administrative Support