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The focus of the History and Philosophy of Physics group is on the history and philosophy of modern physics, as well as broader themes in History and Philosophy of Science.

Our group at the University of Amsterdam is committed to the historical-philosophical study of scientific practice and concepts, with a focus on modern physics, such as black hole research and string theory. We also address broader themes in history and philosophy of science: debates on understanding, scientific theories and scientific progress, the role of science in society, and the larger historiography of knowledge.

Typical for the Amsterdam environment is that we often do so in close and direct collaboration with scientists at our home institutes (Institute of Physics and Institute for Logic, Language and Computation) and beyond in interdisciplinary collaborations, for instance at QuSoft, and Quantum.Amsterdam. Group members are part of the Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences.

We are committed to teach both broad and reflective, as well as advanced courses on the history and philosophy of science, and modern physics in particular, in  bachelor and master programmes at the Faculty of Science.


Prof. dr. J.A.E.F. (Jeroen) van Dongen

Faculty of Science


Dr. S. (Sebastian) De Haro Ollé

Faculty of Science