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The aim of the Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam-Geneva Doctoral School on “Quantum Field Theory, Strings and Gravity” is to provide first-year PhD students with advanced courses that help bridge the gap between Master-level courses and the most recent advances in the field. Responsible for the organization as well as for teaching the courses are the ULB, the VUB, the University of Amsterdam, various institutions in Paris led by Ecole Normale Supérieure, and various institutions in Switzerland led by the Swiss network "SwissMap" (ETH, U. Bern, U. Geneva, CERN).
Event details of Doctoral School 2023 - Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam-Geneva
Start date
4 December 2023
End date
22 December 2023
Science Park 904
science park
Science Park 904

Information for participants Doctoral School 2023

Welcome to Amsterdam!

The program will start on Monday December 4th at 13h30. The first thing you have to do when you arrive at Science park 904 is to go to the reception on the ground floor and pick up your visitors keycard (you need to sign for this card).  You will keep this card with you until the last day of the school. The card must be returned at the end of the School. Please make sure you hand it back to the receptionist when leaving. returned it at the reception.

How to reach UvA? 

For the use of public transportation you can use a “OV-chipkaart” or check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile, for info:

You can also rent a bike at e.g. MacBike . Even though Amsterdam is a very bike-friendly city, you should pay attention to the rules. In particular, don't bike on a car lane if there's a bike path, don't bike on side walks and pedestrian areas, and don't bike on the wrong side of the street. Also, don't count on getting the right-of-way from taxi drivers and watch the tram tracks!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or visit us at the secretariat is on the 4th floor, room C4.261.

Science Park 904

Room C3.165
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam

Lecture schedule PhD school 2023

All sessions will be taking place in room C3.165.

All morning sessions are from 09:30-12:30 and all afternoon sessions are from 13:30-16:30.

Subjects of lectures:

  • Kyriakos Papadodimas: AdS/CFT (Part 1)
  • Lorenz Eberhardt: CFT2
  • Balt van Rees (CFT and bootstrap)
  • Migeul Monteiro (Swampland)

Subjects of guest lectures

  • Andrea Puhm: Celestial Holography
  • Jeremy van der Heijden: Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
  • Marcel Vonk: Non-perturbative Methods and Resurgence

Week 1 (Dec 4-8)

  • Monday (pm) Papadodimas
  • Tuesday  (am) Papadodimas;  (pm) van Rees // 17:00 welcome drinks hosted by Stathis Vitouladitis
  • Wednesday (am) Papadodimas (pm) Papadodimas
  • Thursday (am) van Rees (pm)  Papadodimas
  • Friday (am)  guest lecture Andrea Puhm  (pm) Papadodimas

Week 2 (Dec 11-15)

  • Monday  (am) Eberhardt (pm) van Rees
  • Tuesday (am) Eberhardt (pm) van Rees
  • Wednesday (am) van Rees (pm) free afternoon
  • Thursday (am) Eberhardt (pm) van Rees
  • Friday (am) guest lecture Jeremy van der Heijden (pm) Eberhardt

Week 3 (Dec 18-22)

  • Monday (am) Montero (pm) Montero
  • Tuesday  (am) Eberhardt (pm) Montero
  • Wednesday (am) Montero (pm) guest lecture Marcel Vonk
  • Thursday  (am) Eberhardt pm Montero // 17:00 farewell drinks hosted by Diego Liska
  • Friday (am) Montero  (pm) end of the school

Practical infomation

UvA campus

The lecture will take place in room C3.165  in building Science Park 904, 1090 GL Amsterdam.

You can use all public areas to work. The lounge of the institute (C4.278, on the 4th floor) is also an option whenever there is no meeting going on.

All buildings on the campus are off limits before 7h00 and after 22h00 during weekdays. On Saturdays the building is open from 10h00 to 18h00.The building is closed on Sundays.


The restaurant on the ground floor of building 904 serves lunch and dinner. It is open from 11h00 to 18h00. On the same floor you can also find a 

Coffee Corner open from 8h30 to 16h30 (at 17h00 from Wednesday to Friday the coffee corner changes into a café, open until 21h00).

Note that you can not pay by cash in the restaurant/café and vendingmachines at Science Park 904. You have to pay by card.

Other options for lunch and/or dinner on the campus are:

  • Cafe Neo is a lunchroom in the Matrix building that only sells vegetarian meals it is open from 09h00 tot 14h00.
  • Restaurant Polder open from 10h00 until 00h00.
  • Eetcafe de Oerknal open from 10h00 until 00h30 am.